< style type="text/css">
< !--
.bgclr {background-color: white; color: black; font-weight: bold;}
< /style>
< script language="JavaScript">
< !-- Begin
// Insert number of questions
var numQues = 4;
// Insert number of choices in each question
var numChoi = 3;
// Insert number of questions displayed in answer area
var answers = new Array(4);
// Insert answers to questions
answers[0] = "United Nations Mine Action service";
answers[1] = "110 million";
answers[2] = "12,000";
answers[3] = "Apopo";
function getScore(form) {
var score = 0;
var currElt;
var currSelection;
for (i=0; i
< /script>
< /HEAD>
< h3>Landmine Quiz
< label> This form contains the 4 questions for the quiz with 3 possible choices per question
< form name="quiz">
1. What does UNMAS stand for?
< ul style="margin-top: 1pt">
< label for="quiz question">Question one:
United National Mine Action service
United Nations Mine Action service
United Nations Mine awareness service
< /ul>
2. How many landmines exsist in the world?
< ul style="margin-top: 1pt">
120 million
60 million
110 million
< /ul>
3. How many people are killed by landmines anually?
< ul style="margin-top: 1pt">
30 thousand
< /ul>
4. An example of an NGO involved in Mine Clearance is?
< ul style="margin-top: 1pt">
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